Wednesday 17 April 2013

It’s Tax Time!

Tax isn’t much of an exciting activity, but saving money sure is! Tax is due soon and I’ve getting some really out there advice on what I could claim that I wasn’t sure about. Luckily, I came across some tax tips from uBank that seemed pretty cool. I’m with uBank because my parents said the rate was the best, but it was nice of them to help with taxes (I guess it means more money in my account which is good for both of us!). There were tonnes of cool tips that I didn’t know about before that will save me heaps of money this time around. Here’s what I found:

• Self-Education: I’m currently studying part time in something related to work so apparently I can claim a ton of things that I didn’t before (doh!). Textbooks, travel between school and home and depreciation on my Macbook (anybody know how to do this??).
• Interest: Not that interesting for me, but some family have investments so yay for them!
• Car Deductions: Only if you use the car for work purposes and you have the log everything in with heaps of detail, not sure if I’m up for that.
• Computers and Laptops: Ha! If only I knew what depreciation was then maybe I could get a goldmine back because I use my laptop every day at work (designing mockups).
• Clothing: Only if it’s a uniform for work that’s ‘recognised’. But I’ve bought heaps of outfits for work… does it count!? Probably not.

Anyways I might be saving quite a bit more this with a fatter tax return thanks to these cool tax tips and I hope you might be able benefit too.